Monday, 23 January 2017

...religion vs atheism

To the horror of many religious people, i am going to sound blasphemous, writing to the people who criticize religion; religion does not make logical sense.

The secular world systems are basically scientific and primarily use logic. Contrary to this, the religious sector is based on faith. And by definition .. the substance of things not seen...this does not apply in the logical world.

Most debates out there between pastors and atheists are lame in that there is no basis to compare the two; they don't exist in the same continuum  

What happens when we die

When a person dies, the conscience doesn't die it simply no longer has a body to attach to so it floats around on the surfaces like a ghost. In the spirit world, there are people with powers to access these souls (consciences) and make them do stuff to our world. As we all know that things (everything) first happens in the spirit world then we sort of play out what already exists. So these souls can be told what to do especially by witch doctors. This however is not subject of what i wanted to talk about..

When we die and we haven't made peace with people/ we haven't confessed our sins (i loosely use these sort of religious terms), the soul will be tormented for the rest of eternity. Say for example you killed someone, your soul/conscience will face that person's soul demanding why you killed them and you won't find peace for the rest of eternity since souls don't die.

That's why its important to have a clear conscience when you still have a body to use to make amends with issues/people/relations etc