Friday 3 February 2017

Choosing a marriage partner

I know i am not an expert of this..

Its complicated how humans choose a marriage partner. I think as primates we are inclined (the universe shapes your choices-vague) to choose a partner with whom we can produce a future generation which is going to survive better. Now its a bit complicated in that how do we qualify something as a quality for better survival ? We can say cognitive ability, beauty, athletic properties etc, the pool is quite large. (and i think a proper study on this has too much statistics, tedious and non-conclusive. Interestingly one can find a partner with a sharper mind, but i have seen both parents being sharp but the kids dumb one time too many. Which causes me to think the parents chose each other not because of physical attraction (which nature encourages-survival of the fittest remember ?) but because of other virtues they saw in that partner be it financial position et al.

The way i am naturally interested in the opposite sex is not the way my young brother is, which is not the way my dad is. I think nature has intrinsically coded survival of the fittest instincts in the way we get attracted naturally. (hence we can see poor parents who f*ked each other senseless coz they were attracted to each other when they met at a party, producing bright kids - well its not conclusive but i've seen this one time too many)

So what am i saying umm ehhh i don't know  

Monday 23 January 2017

...religion vs atheism

To the horror of many religious people, i am going to sound blasphemous, writing to the people who criticize religion; religion does not make logical sense.

The secular world systems are basically scientific and primarily use logic. Contrary to this, the religious sector is based on faith. And by definition .. the substance of things not seen...this does not apply in the logical world.

Most debates out there between pastors and atheists are lame in that there is no basis to compare the two; they don't exist in the same continuum  

What happens when we die

When a person dies, the conscience doesn't die it simply no longer has a body to attach to so it floats around on the surfaces like a ghost. In the spirit world, there are people with powers to access these souls (consciences) and make them do stuff to our world. As we all know that things (everything) first happens in the spirit world then we sort of play out what already exists. So these souls can be told what to do especially by witch doctors. This however is not subject of what i wanted to talk about..

When we die and we haven't made peace with people/ we haven't confessed our sins (i loosely use these sort of religious terms), the soul will be tormented for the rest of eternity. Say for example you killed someone, your soul/conscience will face that person's soul demanding why you killed them and you won't find peace for the rest of eternity since souls don't die.

That's why its important to have a clear conscience when you still have a body to use to make amends with issues/people/relations etc

Sunday 11 December 2016

Good and evil

This was on my mind today...

I think there is JUST good and bad in the don't trivialise this sentiment - it comes about after being confronted by thoughts such as the following : where did God come from and why was the evil created (if you subscribe to the school of thought that support creationist thinking).
Good as represented by God or goodwill or positive energy whatever you want to call it. And bad as represented by the evil/ satan, bad thoughts, negative energy likewise give it a name of your choice.
 And why am i saying this...
If you follow the creationist perspective you find that all the problems that the world face today all point to God (because he created evil anyways). Now i don't mean to sound more like someone who don't believe in God but today i was just presented with a paradigm shift on the way i believe.
Now what i believe is there is good and there is evil as an electrical student its more like this: We have HVDC both terminals (+ve and -ve) now imagine touching one of them- you will get a shock. Likewise we can say God energy is +ve and Evil is the -ve terminal. This is just to open the insight that if you follow the +ve you can have riches and all (you can get the shock) and likewise if you follow the -ve you can also get the riches and all (the shock from negative potential).

Now imagine that the positive DC generator can generate up to lets say 10times what  the negative DC generator can supply..(and has regenerative powers like wolverine) (just say thats how the creator created them). This means the power of good trumps evil ultimately..but that depends simply on a small thing. If you are well endowed in the things of God (imagine having a higher potential say 10kV+) you can fully benefit from the providings of God. And if you are well endowed in the evil you have higher potential (10kV-) and you can also benefit from the bad side. If you are neutral you don't get anything in life you survive on pure luck. But to be safe one has to choose a side because you can't grow being neutral.

 This explains why someone can get rich from evil ways and also someone getting rich form good ways. Two key issues:
1) God created evil
2) How then do i trust this God who created evil..

Umm well i don't know...i'm still pondering on it